Fortsatt finnes det mat i butikken, også ærlig, ekte, norskprodusert mat, ved siden av all juksematen som fyller hyllene. Men vi er avhengig av hva landbruksministeren og konsernsjefene i matvarekjedene bestemmer. En statssekretær ville ikke snakke om kornlagring fordi temaet var fôrmangel. Er det betryggende med politikere som forstår så lite av helheten?
The inconvenient fact is that sea level has been rising at a tiny 1 to 3 millimeters per year, which it has been doing since before the industrial revolution with no significant acceleration.
The Sun,s energy output and Solar Irradiance do affect our planet’s weather in repeating cycles, and through 400 years of sunspot observation, it seems we are starting to repeat a cold period of either the 1830s (Dalton Minimum) or 1650,s (Maunder Minimum) era.
There are record sales for ocean front property, even Miami Beach. If climate change is as the scientists say, why would anyone move to the beach? Even our buddy Al Gore purchased a mansion on the ocean, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
The bottom line is that climate is cyclical ? like just about anything else in the Universe. Cycles are in everything. In fact, I challenge anyone to find a straight line that exists naturally (they seem to come from the minds of economists, as far as I can make out). My attempts to simplify the explanation, however, can gloss over the actual complexity of all the forces at work.
Recently climate catastrophe non-believers have been pointing out that Arctic sea ice volume has been gaining mass over the past years and has not trended downward for some dozen years now.
Australia smashing all time cold records throughout the east coast. While not the coldest winter across the entire country, extreme cold and coldest in 60 years with huge snowfalls that have officially opened all ski resorts in Australia. Forecasters called above temperatures in May, but now this Australian super-freeze 2.0 has left them silent. Japan still in chaos as once in 1000 year floods decimated the lower half of the entire country and now summer temperatures are getting into the normally warmest part of the year Late July / August in the Pacific.
The saga of starving migratory Arctic Sea Birds nesting in Greenland continues as 100% snow cover remains on what should be barren ground. Newest reports tell of one meter / three feet of snow at Zackenberg Station where these birds nest. Also explainable stone spheres similar to those in Costa Rica are in one of the remotest areas of our world that range from twelve to three feet in height / diameter. Perhaps a lost civilization?
En Mini-Istid har allerede startet. Steg havet flere meter?. Ble Arktis isfritt sommeren 2013?. Har kloden kokt?. Svaret er nei. Vi har hørt det i tretti år. Nå bør flere våkne. Vi mennesker påvirker ikke klima. Det gjør solens syklus som forandres med jevne mellomrom, som den har gjort i millioner av år. Når solen blir sterkere gror det bedre på jorden og CO2 nivået stiger flere hundre år senere. Motsatt når solen blir kaldere. Fra 2021 kan det bli flere meter snø som ikke smelter om sommeren på den nordlige halvkule. Tørke,regn og orkaner vil øke kraftig i mange and. Det vil også jordskjelv og vulkanutbrudd. Solen påvirker alt. Dette har allerede startet og avlinger over hele verden går tapt. Dette vil vare i flere tiår eller lenger. Nå gjelder det å forberede deg på vinter året rundt.