GLOBAL WARMING,s infallible wrecking ball “CO2” brings summer snow to Europe, North America, Canada, Japan and even Saudi Arabia. CHILDREN might be able to now ski in summer, but don,t expect to read about this in the mainstream media. They are only interested in hot weather to push their CO2-centirc, global warming agenda.
The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be “the biggest scam of modern times”
Energy Minister Angus Taylor has unveiled a new energy policy focused exclusively on reducing electricity prices, in a strong signal the Morrison government will abandon all efforts to lower carbon emissions.
This is your ADAPT 2030 Northern Hemisphere 2018-2019 winter forecast. With record early snows in Canada, USA and across Europe along with cold Atlantic water temperatures and declining solar activity, I agree with the Farmers Almanac that this is going to be a winter to remember. Extreme cold and snow. Question is will there be enough ice breakers to keep shipping open.
Uren å nevne navn så gjelder det hele haugen av politikere, forskere og andre foreninger og organisisasjoner som bruker all sin tid på å redde jorden fra å koke. Hvorfor er det ingen som reagerer på dette. Er der så hjernedøde å blinde. Enkelt svar. ja.
The scorching summer has ended five years of plenty in many wheat producing countries and drawn down the reserves of major exporters to their lowest level since 2007/08, when low grain stocks contributed to food riots across Africa and Asia.
More dismal numbers for countries reporting grain yields and upward prices for all foods you consume. UK says get ready for immediate 5% increase but these losses and high prices wont be fully felt for 18 months, that’s a timeline for sure, read between the lines. Australia and South Africa production down, US wheat prices up, German production down. This points upward prices for the next several years as we head further into the Grand Solar Minimum.
De viser at 97% av politikere – forskere.- presse -media og befolkningen tar feil. Det er ingen menneskeskapt global oppvarming. Våre studier de siste tretti årene viser at havet ikke steg flere meter. isen smeltet ikke på Nordpolen. Jorden kokte ikke.
Forskersjef Roger Istapp er helt sikker i sine forskningsresultater.
Airport staff were forced to physically scrape frost from aircrafts in Melbourne Wednesday morning was the coldest late-winter morning in more than 50 years Many passengers were kept waiting as temps dropped to as low as -6C