CO2.-utslippene er ufarlige

I motsetning til hva mange synes å tro har dagens naturlige og menneskeskapte CO2-utslipp ingen betydning for klimaet. Vi kan i realiteten slippe ut så mye CO2 vi bare vil, uten noen konsekvenser for klimaet. Det finnes flere grunner til det, og det har i tidligere tider i Jordens historie vært mange lange perioder med både varmere og kaldere klima enn i dag, uten at dette var forårsaket av tilsvarende variasjoner i atmosfærens CO2-innhold.



Something VERY WRONG Just Happened on Earth!

Climate Scientists And The Media Openly Lie About Climate Change To Maintain Funding And Keep Global Warming Hysteria Alive

A unique difference, IMO, between climate change sceptics or realists, and climate change alarmists is that sceptics must read alarmist science and corresponding media releases in order to provide oversight, where the mainstream media will not, by detecting errors, exaggerations and even outright lies that exist within the masses of human-induced climate change information disseminated by the CO2-centric legacy media.

Evidence Lacking for Major Human Role in Climate Change

But what few people realize is that the actual scientific evidence for a substantial human contribution to climate change is flimsy. It requires highly questionable computer climate models to make the connection between global warming and human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2).

EU sin satsing på propellene har feilet. Det grønne skiftet sitt selvmord har startet.

Manglende oppfyllelse av EUs klimamål vil koste Tyskland milliarder kroner. Ifølge en rapport betyr det tyske underskudet at regjeringen må kjøpe CO2-sertifikater fra Øst-Europa for to milliarder euro. 
Det er nærmere 30.000 vindturbiner i Tyskland. De siste tallene viser imidlertid at tilgjengelig vindkraftkapasitet er ubetydelig.

We are plunging now deep into mini Ice Age and there is no way out.

Shorter agricultural season length combined with extreme weather will reduce food available for next year and will be more severe by 2021-2024.
The regular Joe does not know whats going on. Our livelihood is at risk. As Galactic Cosmic Rays continue to intensify under our quiet sun, staggering agricultural catastrophes abound.

The Great Global Warming Swindle – Full Documentary HD

The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be “the biggest scam of modern times.” According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it’s claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a ‘little ice age’.

Germany fails to meet EU climate targets, will get billed billions.

While Germany is missing its climate target by just under three percent, countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary are doing significantly better.