Bangkok Conference

In Bangkok, governments squabbled over $100 billion in green climate finance, at the same time in Porto, Portugal, over 100 scientific experts showed that carbon dioxide is not the main driver of climate change, says Friends of Science Society. Attempts to stop the Porto Basic Climate Change Science Conference and to vilify participants and peripheral university funding partners are a modern-day Portuguese inquisition says conference convenors.

75% Crop Losses Australia

Blackhawk Choppers at Solar Observatory and 75% Crop Losses AustraliaSolar Observatory closed without explanation, what did the facility do, study the Sun, then instantly, facility evacuated indefinitely. Makes you wonder what did they discover. Australian crop production down 46% this year, but 75% from 2011. What about next year when less will be grown due to the intensifying drought? Japan record early cold.


Arctic sea ice is proving remarkably reluctant to enter its appointed death throes, despite the usual suspects having already planned the funeral. Climate Change Anxiety Disorder, it turns out, is yet to impose its angst on the actual climate, no matter how hard the BBC tries to make it.

Nok penger når det gjelder Klima som de ikke får gjort noe med..

Hele 25 millioner kroner har klimaminister Ola Elvestuen lagt på bordet for å sponse et klimaseminar i San Fransisco. Mye handler om krigen mot bilen.



World Weather.

Følg med været over store deler av verden.

BBC Forbids Reporters From Putting Global Warming Deniers In The News.

The BBC has renewed its crackdown on reporters interviewing skeptics in TV, radio and print coverage of man-made global warming.

Thwarted Arctic Voyages Thick Ice Coast Guard Issues Warning.

Northwest Passage is ice clogged and closed, Canadian Coast Guard WARNING do not attempt the passage or be prepared to overwinter in the Arctic. Maersk plans to run the Arctic with shipping vessels, but blacked by ice a well as 22 other pleasure craft. Above normal ice in NW Passage and 4th most ice on record since 2014. I don’t think the corporate media is giving us all of the information.

Hva gjør dere som fyrer med strøm når den blir borte.

Fjordårets første høststorm tok strømmen fra mange tusen. Det tok flere dager før alle fikk den tilbake. Med været som en Mini-Istid vil føre med seg er dette bare en forsmak. Solcellepaneler vil snø ned. I Tyskland fikk de 12 timer sol i hele desember. Vindmøller kan ise ned og bli ubrukelige i perioder. Allerede nå er ledningsnettet vanskelig å vedlikeholde. I vinter, som bare var en forsmak på hva som kommer var tusenvis av mennesker uten strøm i mange uker uker . Vedfyring kan bli det eneste alternativet i lange tider. Hvor mange av dere er forberedt på det når kulda virkelig setter inn. Og det er ikke lenge til


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