Earth’s Thermosphere Record Cold & Auroras with No CME

NASA coming out stating that Earth’s Thermosphere is entering record territory and even mentions “Solar Minimum Cold” thats a huge change from warming, warming, warming. I feel the are covering themselves as it cools and people begin to ask questions. For example like how there was no geomagnetic storm and Earth had immense auroras over Alaska, how is that possible unless the magnetosphere is in decline.



Det er faktisk forskere som har hatt rett i mange tiår, Her er en av dem. Selv om bare halvparten av det han sier stemmer har dere et stort problem.


Why you may want to abandon your home in 2023… Depends on where you live! Geographical Weather forecast for the central six years of the coming mini ice age.

Maunder Minimum var den siste store Mini-Istid for 400 år siden.
Nå starter Eddy Minimum. Historien gjentar seg.