20.11.2018It’s called, ‘GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM’ and it’s only the begining..

Many people are huge fans of long, cold, winter months that are filled with snowy days and icy temperatures, while others find such weather to be positively devastating. No matter the case or your preference of winter weather, the 2018-2019 Farmers Almanac was just published recently and its safe to say that cold weather lovers are going to get the season of their dreams while warm weather lovers better stock up on hot chocolate, comfy coats, and window scrapers.


Klimaspådommene som slår feil

Advarslene om konsekvenser av menneskeskapt global oppvarming på grunn av utslipp av plantenæringen CO2 med tilhørende katastrofespådommer begynte for alvor på 1980-tallet og har eskalert siden den gang, i over 30 år.



Global Warming Scam Collapsing: The Reality Is CoolingIncreases Snowfall

BOSTON (CBS) Despite the snow blitz of 2015, many baby boomers still insist that, overall, we dont get the harsh bitter cold and deep snowy winters like we did in the good ole days.

Weather records prove that just isnt the case and despite the ongoing claims that snows are becoming rare and hurting winter sports, this millennium has been a blessing to snow lovers and winter sports enthusiasts.




Real Reason Winter Avery Formed So Early Our Sun is Changing.

The real reason for Winter Storm Avery in Autumn breaking thousands of snow and cold records is that our Sun is changing as it always does on its 400 year cycle called a Grand Solar Minimum. This affects global grain yields and food prices. If you think New York’s old snow record was one inch and the new record is 6.2 inches, that’s not CO2 its a new effects from our Sun on our magnetosphere and cloud patterns around Earth. From record rains, to record snow and cold, this is the new era we are entering and I try to explain it the best I can using the Avery Winter Storm to show cause and effect.


Warning: Extreme -45°C Winter Weather Is Coming To These Canadian Provinces.

TL;DR Farmers’ Almanac has predicted that this year Canada is going to see winter temperatures as low as -40 to -45°C in February 2019. Both Quebec and Ontario will experience unusal freezing temperatures at the start of next year, with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba reaching temperatures far below normal. British Columbia is the only province expected to see normal temperatures this winter.



Nu smäller köldsmockan till kan bli ny supervinter.

Årets vinter spås bli kallare än vanligt och redan framåt veckan väntas det bli avsevärt kallare i hela landet, med risk för halka och snö.

Man ska nog gå upp en tjockstorlek i jackan fram till nästa vecka, säger meteorologen Lasse Rydqvist.


NASA Scientists: Lack Of Sunspots To Bring Record Cold.

We see a cooling trend, says Martin Mlynczak of NASAs Langley Research Center. High above Earths surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.


50,000 Freezing Parka-Clad Canadians Protest Global Warming.

While the CBC noted that protesters had braved the cold Saturday to call for better environmental policies, they failed to point out the irony that people were allegedly marching against rising temperatures.
