Its going to get colder for the next 30 years. And ironically, that will hurt us a lot more as we wind up sporadic renewables, and wind down coal and try and limit or make so expensive other fossil fuels that we will be in double jeopardy. The coming revolutions will come all over the planet will make the French Revolution look a like a school girl’s pillow fight. So people buckle cause things generally never end well after such a good run. Especially after having been lied to and cheated by politicians and corrupted science. The coming mini ice age predictions 2019 to 2020 = rapid cooling Next 2022-2040 = Very cold phase like 1880’s if not worst ! Ocean levels will not increase after 2018 and watch for coming historic volcanoes & earthquakes 2020-2030 period.
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most watched television news channel for more than 16 years and according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, is the most trusted television news source in the country. Owned by 21st Century Fox, FNC is available in more than 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.
Discovery of five new greenhouse gasses in Norway that are thousands of times more potent than CO2, the Grand Solar Minimum continues intensifying and crop insurance payouts in Canada doubling vs 2017. At what point do insurers stop covering losses? Snow Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand heavy for the season in both hemispheres.
The emission rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the less obviousbut nevertheless significantmeasures of volcanic activity. Volcanic CO2 emissions are also important for understanding the preindustrial climate balance. To date, estimates of global volcanic CO2 emissions have been extrapolated primarily from measurements collected at a small number of active sources. Ice-covered volcanic centers are prevalent, but they are often difficult to access, and their vents are difficult to discern, so they are rarely included in these calculations.
SV og Venstre fremhever Sps stolte klimahistorie når de går til frontalangrep mot nåværende Sp-leder Trygve Slagsvold Vedums klimapolitikk. Senterpartiet er blitt en klimasinke, 18 år etter at de skrev seg inn i norsk miljøhistorie med gullskrift da de gikk av i protest mot at Stortinget ville bygge sterkt forurensende gasskraftverk, sier SVs miljøpolitiske talsperson Lars Haltbrekken til Dagens Næringsliv.
First off, there is some uncertainty as to how much snow will melt when it hits the ground. I feel until sunset Friday much of the snow in the southern half of Lower Michigan will melt when it touches the ground. It’s what I like to call a “snow that acts like rain.” Temperatures in the southern half will range between 33 degrees and 37 degrees during the daylight hours of Friday. Right after sunset temperatures will drop below freezing. Whatever snow is left to fall then will stick.