A 2006 study, Livestocks Long Shadow, claimed meat production was responsible for 18 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions more than transport.
Its conclusions were heralded by campaigners urging consumers to eat less meat to save the planet. Among those calling for a reduction in global meat consumption is Sir Paul McCartney.
However, one of the authors of the report has admitted an American scientist has identified a flaw in its comparison with the impact of transport emissions.
Major winter storm hits US, leaving 400 000+ without power, 1 700+ flights cancelled.
The storm produced 30 to 60 cm (1 to 2 feet) of snow across northwest North Carolina and south-central Virgina, left 1 person dead and another one missing, more than 400 000 customers without power and over 1 700 flights canceled. NWS warns that the snowfall will continue until Monday, with the heaviest amounts in northwest North Carolina and southern Virginia.
Klimaforhandlere fra hele verden er denne uken samlet i Polen for å bli enige om et regelverk for gjennomføringen av Parisavtalen.
Samtidig har KrF i behandlingen av statsbudsjettet forlatt sin tidligere ambisiøse linje for å få på plass karbonfangst og -lagring (CCS) i Norge, ifølge Arbeiderpartiet. Partiet mener regjeringen og KrF opptrer uansvarlig passivt.
Tidligere har Venstre og KrF sørget for å presse Høyre og Frp på plass i denne saken, men nå har de tydeligvis fått beskjed om å holde seg i ro, sier Aps energi- og miljøpolitiske talsperson Espen Barth Eide til NTB.
Al Sabban also served as an adviser to the Saudi energy and mining ministry. Saudi Arabias former lead delegate to United Nations climate talks said the Paris agreement to fight global warming is dead, ending what he called a big conspiracy the world created
Wide swaths of the Carolinas and parts of Georgia woke up to power outages Sunday morning as Winter Storm Diego continued to dump snow and ice across the Southeast
Hundreds of thousands without power, while in Europe blizzards rage as an extra tropical low collides with a cold air front dumping three feet plus of snow across France, Italy, Austria, and Russia with its own blizzard burying herds of animals. Interestingly the global main stream media does not want to talk about low solar activity as a possible cause for the extreme weather as predicted by solar forecasters to start now. 2+2 =3.33 in the world of mind control
That is one of the most interesting conclusions to come out of the seventh International Climate Change Conference sponsored by the Heartland Institute, held last week in Chicago. I attended, and served as one of the speakers, talking about The Economic Implications of High Cost Energy.
Interested in Weather? Add Weather as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Weather news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Weather Add Interest Even Georgia saw 8 inches and parts of Kentucky received 6 inches as Richmond, Virginia, had its second-snowiest December day on record.
More than 276,000 people still were without power across seven states as of early Monday — with most of those, more than 141,000, in North Carolina.