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2019 ends with snow and ice in US, while historic flooding and fires caused trouble around the world

A major snowstorm toured the United States this week, making stops across the central and northeastern parts of the country and wreaking havoc along the way. Meanwhile, a plan for New Year’s Eve fireworks didn’t work out as anticipated, drivers had to dig themselves out of an extraordinary mess and some package deliveries might not have arrived on schedule — and strong winds were the culprit. Here’s a look back at the final week of the last decade.

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Grönland minus 66 C, ev. nytt absolut köldrekord.

Notera att temperaturskalan är Fahrenheit. Kl. 23:13 visar den aktuella grafen – 86,8 grader, vilket blir – 66,0 grader Celsius. Temperaturen ligger stabilt lägre än – 80 F lika med – 62 C.

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Norske politikere er også for Green New Deal. Vil de ha en død planet. Se selv.

Environmentalist rips Ocasio-Cortez, Green New Deal

Former Greenpeace executive Patrick Moore takes on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most watched television news channel for more than 16 years and according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, is the most trusted television news source in the country. Owned by 21st Century Fox, FNC is available in more than 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Ser ut som den globale oppvarmingen sprer seg.

First Snow is falling in GREECE, …and it looks wonderful.

A cold front which is sweeping Greece is bringing heavy snow to many parts of the country. Snow, accompanied by freezing northerly winds, fell overnight on Saturday and Sunday morning in towns in the regions of Macedonia and Thrace.

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Elbilsalget falt i desember for tredje måned på rad og ligger under salget for både 2017 og 2018: – Vi er skuffet, sier Christine Bu, generalsekretær i Norsk elbilforening.

Det måtte gå den veien. Flere skjønner at vi får tøffere og lengre vintere med dyrere og ustatbil strøm. Snøstorm som stopper trafikken med lange køer og kaldere vær blir håpløst. Behøver ikke si mere. Salgstallene taler for seg selv.

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Somehow, in what we’re to believe is a linearly warming world, Greenland –the poster boy for global warming– is currently the coldest we’ve ever known it to be.

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John Casey forteller dere sannheten om klima vi kan vente oss i fremtiden.


Maunder Minimum var den siste store Mini-Istid for 400 år siden.
Nå starter Eddy Minimum. Historien gjentar seg.




Null sikt – alle fjellovergangane er stengde.

Det er så tett her at den som køyrde først såg berre frå lysmast til lystmast, fortel brøytebilsjåfør Stig Arve Neshagen på E16 over Filefjell.

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Jeg har fulgt David DuByne fra Adapt 2030. Han har på de fire årene aldri kommet med en gal prognose..

ADAPT 2030.

What to Expect with Climate and Economy Moving through 2020 and 2021

David DuByne presents at Alternative View May 2019 in the UK describing what a 400 Grand Solar Minimum cycle is and how it has effected societies n the past. Based on the past we can get a close in time line for changes you would expect to see if the information presented is correct. You decide for yourself. (Part 1 of 3)

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