Many of us will be forgiven for thinking winter doesn’t exist, With 95% of the UK still to see the first snow flakes of the season.
However, Signs are there that conditions are about to change with deep areas of low pressure dragging in bitterly cold arctic air right across the country.
Veivokter Ib Nymark fikk seg litt av en overraskelse da han skulle brøyte en vei som har vært stengt i over fire dager. – Jeg har aldri møtt så glade folk før, forteller han.
This morning, a huge temperature difference occurred over Finland. The extreme north Lapland station Utsjoki Nuorgam reported -36 °C while the capital Helsinki in far south Finland reported +5 °C – that is 41 °C difference! This huge temperature contrast over Finland is the result of advection of very cold air mass from Arctic Russia into Lapland while an advection of much warmer air mass is coming from the strengthening ridge over western Europe.
A deep freeze hit Canada earlier in the week, driving temperatures to subzero levels – parts of Alberta even reaching temperatures lower than some places in Antarctica.
Organizations in Downtown Vancouver are doing everything they can to ensure people are staying dry and warm — exceeding capacity at their shelters and handing out as many warm clothing items as possible.
Ser det er mange som ønsker se snø om dagen. Og den kommer. Deler av norden har sluppet unna inntil videre. Så ikke ønsk for mye. Det kan fort bli som på bildet her.
Dette er hva du ikke hører om Paris-avtalen og klimagassutslipp
Paris-avtalen: Norge lover å kutte klimagassutslipp med 40 prosent innen 2030 mens de største landene lover å øke.
For å bli enige om Paris-avtalen så fikk landene som har undertegnet selv bestemme hva slags mål de ville sette seg. Norge forpliktet seg til å kutte klimagassutslipp med 40 prosent innen 2030 enda det ikke var nødvendig. Store land som slipper ut mest klimagasser valgte motsatt vei å gå, skriver Nettavisen.
Blizzard warnings and winter storm watches have given way to travel hazards and mishaps on Friday throughout the central United States. After a slick blanket of snow and ice latched itself to roadways, residents across the central Plains awoke to dangerous travel conditions.
At least 17 people died as severe cold snap swept through Afghanistan on Saturday, January 11, 2020, bringing the total number of people killed by extremely cold weather this year to 24. The death toll may further increase as the Natural Disaster Management Authority is still trying to compile the total numbers.