Australia will run out of homegrown rice by Christmas, which may help to explain why their police are kettling people at farmers markets (which clearly doesn’t help social distancing) and becoming more violent in general — if the state expects food shortages, they must bolster the police presence and acclimate people to increased totalitarianism, particularly around food. They are preparing — are you? Start growing food today.
Erna Solberg kan ingenting om hydrogen, og derfor vil hun satse på det.
Statoil jobbet med hydrogen fra 2005 … og forkastet det hoderystende i 2010. Og etter kjempesmellen på hydrogenstasjonen i Sandvika i juni 2019 har det vært ganske stille om hydrogen, for all fysikk og matematikk tilsier at dette er høyrisikabel galskap på alle tenkelige måter.
Are wind, solar, and batteries the magical solutions to all our energy needs? Or do they come with too high a price? Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, analyzes the true cost — both economic and environmental — of so-called green energy.
Four People Arrested For Suspected Arson, Intentionally Setting Wildfires In California, Oregon, Washington.
The Dems are pointing to global warming as the cause of the western wildfires, but is that true? Pelosi attributed the wildfires as nature’s way of warning us, but apparently Mother Nature has been getting some mortal help. So far, four people have been arrested on charges that they committed arson.
The Connection Between Solar Activity, Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes, Weather and Cycles on Earth.
Our Mother Earth has been very active since the beginning of the New Year.
Several big earthquakes occurred, starting in Haiti (January 12), followed by Chile (February 27), China (April 15), Taiwan (March 4), and Turkey (March 8), and many smaller earthquakes that had a lesser impact on human life, property and environment (Figure 1: earthquake map for 2010, by USGS). Many wonder if the number of earthquakes is increasing, but scientist say they are not becoming more frequent.
A stratospheric Polar Vortex has now emerged above the Arctic Circle. It will influence the Winter 2020/2021 weather along with the incoming La Nina and west QBO.
The road to the next Winter season is always long and it begins well before the temperatures start to drop. One of the major drivers on that road is the stratospheric polar vortex. A new polar vortex has now emerged over the North Pole and will continue to strengthen for the next 4 months.
Despite unfavorable conditions, the three Greenland expeditions are progressing across the Inland Ice.
Norwegian sisters Aase and Hanne Seeberg are performing strongly on their east-to-west traverse. After 22 days, they are due to arrive at DYE II, an old radar station about three-quarters of the way along their 600km route.
“They have found deep snow but have skied a regular 20km every day,” reports expedition liaison Lars Ebbeson. “They cleared the Summit [the apex of the Ice Sheet] before the last storm on the east side, so have been able to progress over the last few days.”
On Sunday evening Johansen and Chandi had to dig in and build a snow wall to protect their camp from the very strong winds. They managed to travel on Tuesday and Wednesday, but were tentbound again on Thursday and Friday because of winds of 16-22 m/s (roughly 60 to 80kph).
Germany Stops Harvest, “Temporarily Bans Agriculture” as African Swine Fever Reaches Europe.
Germany institutes “Agriculture Ban” on all crops within 30km of first confirmed African Swine Fever (ASF), which will not only provide FOOD & SHELTER to the wild hogs spreading the virus, but deprive Germany of that food left in the ground. If this irrational response sets precedent as the virus spreads across west Europe, we will witness the deliberate shutdown of food production, contributing to major global food shortages. Start growing food today.
Hm: NRK og Norsk klimastiftelse har samme styreleder.
Kampen mot fugledrapsmaskinene og rasering av norsk natur har, naturlig nok, økt i den senere tid. Siden planene for denne hensynsløse fremferden har vært i emning i flere tiår, er det merkelig at det tok så lang tid før folket begynte å våkne.