Redan år 2021 kan elbristen vara så akut, att nya industrier och bostadsprojekt inte kommer att få ansluta sig till Stockholms stads elnät. I videon förklarar SVT Nyheters reporter Pia Heick vad elbristen beror på.
After 40,000 earthquakes, Iceland volcano finally erupts (video and pictures)
We have the first pictures and videos of the eruption underway in the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 50 km from the Icelandic capital. They were captured from an helicopter of the Icelandic Coast Guard.
The below treatise was sent to Canadian and American politicians and the media – but most of them won’t understand it, because they have no scientific competence and have been utterly deceived – programmed for decades by false climate scares and green energy frauds.
President Joe Biden has set goals of achieving 100% carbon-free electricity production by 2035 and reducing net CO2 emissions to zero by no later than 2050 in the United States.
From a technical standpoint, it is certainly possible to reduce the net emission of carbon dioxide by human activity to zero while boosting the productivity and prosperity of the world economy at the same time.
Weeks after winter storm, water crisis lingers for one city.
The powerful winter storm in mid-February that generated a week’s worth of national headlines focused on the widespread power outages that smothered Texas. However, while the rest of the world shifted its gaze from the storm back to the topics of politics, the coronavirus and even the Golden Globes, people in one hard-hit part of the country haven’t been able to move on yet.
They also haven’t been able to shower, flush toilets or drink water straight from the tap.
According to the decades of dogmatic proclamations handed down by the AGW cabal, weather-related deaths should be rising exponentially as catastrophic global warming ravages the planet; however, as with most things “alarmist” the data simply doesn’t bear out the fear-mongering.
BlackRock Inc, the world’s largest investment management company with about 8 trillion dollars of managed assets, plays a singular role in US President Joe Biden’s climate policy. Indeed, it looks like BlackRock and the Biden administration are married to each other.
The marriage was consumated, one might say, with the appointments and nominations of prominent BlackRock executives to high posts in the administration. All of them are typical of the “revolving door” phenomenon of leading personnel shifting back and forth between government and big finance.
FAO: Global food prices rise for nine straight month in February.
Global food prices rose for the ninth conservative month in February, led by sugar and vegetable oils, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations has said.
The FAO said this in its Food Price Index report released on Thursday. The index tracks international prices of most commonly traded food commodities.
The FAO Food Price Index averaged 116.0 points in February, 2.4 per cent higher than the previous month and 26.5 per cent from a year ago.
In the report, the FAO Sugar Price Index rose by 6.4 per cent from January, as production declined in key producing countries together with strong import demand from Asia prompted ongoing concerns over tighter global supplies.
“Expectations of a production recovery in Thailand and a bumper crop in India dampened the increase,” it said.
The report said the FAO Oil Price Index gained 6.2 per cent reaching its highest level since April 2012.
“Prices for palm, soy, rape and sunflower seed oils all rose,” it said.
According to the report, the FAO Dairy Price Index rose by 1.7 per cent led by International export quotations for butter where firm imports by China met limited supplies from western Europe.
“Cheese prices declined partly due to high inventories in the United States of America,” it said.
It said the FAO Cereal Price Index averaged 1.2 per cent higher than in January.
“Sorghum prices rose 17.4 per cent in the month driven by ongoing strong demand from China.
“International prices of maize, wheat and rice were either stable or edged up slightly,” the report said.
In the report, the FAO Meat Price Index increased 0.6 per cent pushed higher by tight supplies of bovine and ovine meats in key producing regions.
“By contrast, pig meat price quotations fell underpinned by reduced purchases by China amidst heavy over supplies and a rise in unsold pigs in Germany due to the continued ban on exports to Asian markets,” it said.
Meanwhile, it said the Global wheat production in 2021 is likely to increase and hit a new record of 780 million tonnes.
It said the maize production in South Africa is expected to reach a near-record level in 2021 while outputs in South America are forecast at well above average levels.
While the Global cereal stocks are forecast to end 2021 at 811 million tonnes, 0.9 per cent below their opening levels pushing down the stock to use the ratio to 28.6 per cent.
“World rice and wheat stocks are expected to increase while those of coarse grains to decline,” it said.