Eruption in Iceland may mark the start of decades of volcanic activity.
The first eruption in the Reykjanes Peninsula in about 800 years is not expected to threaten any population centers, but it does provide a unique opportunity to study the geologic mysteries of the region.
Earth is gradually sliding into its next Ice Age, and has been doing so for the past 10,000 years. Today, modern civilization is on the cusp of a stratospheric fall, and it’s all to do with the Sun.
Societies flourish during times of warmth and high solar activity, the periods of Minoan, Roman and Medieval Warming are evidence of this.
From CANADA to HAWAII, and from SWEDEN to SPAIN, the month of March is exiting like a “snowy lion” as rare accumulations continue to build — and things are forecast to turn even snowier as April rolls in.
Varför bry sig om elen – den finns ju alltid där, eller hur? Nja, vissa känner sig inte helt övertygade om det, och förbereder sig därför på det värsta. Följ med oss på en resa in i mörkret.
En enorm isstorm har drabbat stora delar av Sverige. Ovädret har varat i sex dagar och landet täcks av en decimeter tjock isbark som omfamnar elledningar, pressar ned träd mot marken och glacerar bilar och hus. Många elledningar har helt gett vika under isens tyngd. I lägenheter och villor har människor täckt för fönstren för att värme inte ska läcka ut i onödan. Hos dem som fortfarande har något att elda med sprakar sparsamma brasor i kaminer och vedspisar. Vid mörkrets inbrott samlas människor runt stearinljus och fotogenlyktor för att hålla värmen. I kylans spår följer också en våg av ökad sammanhållning, både i lokalsamhällen och inom familjer. I sina vardagsrum sover de tätt tillsammans i tält eller improviserade kojor av möbler och filtar.
Even according to those UHI-ignoring, agenda-driving frauds at NOAA, the year 2021 (to March 21) has seen TWICE as many new low temperature records set across the U.S. than it has record highs.The agency’s hokey data set also reveals that across the globe, record cold is outstripping record warmth this year.
Easter Blizzards set to dump 10cms of snow across the UK!
Many of us will be basking in the glorious sunshine as temperatures today are set to reach a summery 24c, However in just 6 days time the weather across the UK will be entirely different with snowfall expected from Easter Monday.
Forecasters are warning that a deep area of low pressure situated to the North East of the UK will send cold air surging Southwards bringing strong winds and frequent snow showers, With drifting snow a major hazard across higher ground. Severe widespread frosts will also be likely every night from this Sunday until Wednesday as temperatures dip as low as -10c in the Scottish Highlands and between -1 and -4c elsewhere.
10cms of snow is likely to fall on Monday across parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, North Western parts of England and through into the Midlands along with Northern parts of Wales. As ever with showers some areas may miss the snow completely with other areas a short distance away seeing significant amounts. At this stage its impossible to rule out any part of the UK escaping the chance of some snow however details on the exact areas are likely to firm up over the coming days.
Da jeg gikk på skolen på 60-tallet, lærte vi at vi kanskje var på vei inn i neste istid, fordi den globale temperaturen etter krigen var på vei nedover.
Men på slutten av 70-tallet økte temperaturen heldigvis litt igjen, og vi pustet lettet ut. Nå stadfester imidlertid FNs Klimapanel i sin siste hovedrapport at det har inntruffet en varmepause (WG1AR5, kap 9, side 769 «box 9.2»). Siden 1998 har det ikke vært signifikant global oppvarming. De som forsker på solaktiviteten, sier at vi står foran en periode på 50 år med svak solaktivitet, noe som kan føre til kjøligere klima.
An “insane depth of cold” is set to strike the UK over the Easter weekend, warns the Weather Outlook’s Brian Gaze.
Freezing temperatures and frosts will arrive in Scotland on Thursday, April 1, with “polar spring” conditions engulfing the majority of the country by Good Friday.
Looking further ahead, the mercury is expected to sink even lower during the following week, as a violent kink in the jet stream (associated with the historically low solar activity we continue to experience) delivers Arctic air to the lower-latitudes.
Greenland And Iceland Mean Winter Temperatures Continue Cooling Since Start Of The Century.
The February 2021 data for Iceland and Greenland are available from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), which means the latest meteorological DJF winter mean temperature can be computed.