Grand Solar Minimum Primer Dr. Roy Spencer, What do we really know about global warming?

Roy W. Spencer received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981. Before becoming a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA?s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA?s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer?s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA?s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.
Dr. Spencer?s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE. He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.

The Sun is Going to Sleep

This Members-Only content from Suspicius Observers has been shared on YouTube because it describes and frames what is probably the single most significant heliophysics discovery of the year. The subject of a coming grand minimum, despite some of the experts’ concurrence and the data suggesting only one near-term outcome for the sun, has drawn controversy from many in the heliophysics community; I have fallen on the side of a coming grand minimum and am not shy about my praise for this mathematical model. I don’t like most models; they tend not to match observational data – this one does.

Nobel Prize-winning scientist declares global warming fake news

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever: He doesn’t believe there’s much to global warming. “I agree with [President] Trump, absolutely,” he said. “It’s fake news. You read the paper every week or two, and there’s a story about the ocean rising, the temperature is rising, but it’s always 30 years from now and not now. There’s never anything now

Klimaministeren tror sommeren har vært en vekker: Flere skjønner alvoret nå

Stekende sol og gulsvidde marker signaliserer mer enn en «fin sommer» for Ola Elvestuen (V). Klimaministeren tror årets sommer vil bli stående som et tidsskille.


Oppenheimer Ranch Project

GSM Update 7/27/18 – Kilauea Is Changing – Record Cold Australia – Hail In London & Toronto

Adapt 2030

Expect a “Gap” in Arctic ice measurement as ageing satellites are all planned to go down at the same time starting next year. Beyond that strange circumstance, the replacements planned are now on hold as NOAA’s newest launch malfunctioned and all other launches are on hold, which include ice mapping satellites for a gap of 4 years, all while Arctic ice begins to recover in cooler water pulses into the Arctic and the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies. Its as if the satellites are being purposefully taken off line so the media and governments of the planet wont have to explain why ice recovered so quickly with such summer thickness.

Delingpole: Global Solar Industry Goes up in Flames.

The anticipated slowdown would mark the first time the solar market has shrunk. It comes after China announced in late May it was curbing utility-scale development in the world?s biggest market, pulling the plug on about 20 gigawatts of projects. That will reduce global installations to 75 gigawatts, down from 99 gigawatts in 2017, Lee said in an email.


Weather forecast 2021 to 2027

Why you may want to abandon your home in 2023… Depends on where you live! Geographical Weather forecast for the central six years of the coming mini ice age.

Adapt 2030

New news headline out as NASA admits Mini Ice Age coming faster than anticipated. All continents are now showing signs of cooling. With summer snow in New Zealand, record snow in Athens, Central Asia record cold, North America record snows, Sahara desert snows, Middle East blizzard, and Australia 5X rains and desert floods. Get ready as there is no where to run.

Dagsnytt 18.

Torp har havnet i Dagsnytt 18. Ti minutter ut i programmet handlet det om klima. Bare gjester som er religiøse i sin tro om menneskeskapt global oppvarming var innvitert. Burde NRK som en nøytral tv kanal også ta en runde med de som har en annen mening. Eller er de for feige til det. Eller hva sier du Torp. Vet du vil få se denne.