Isbre vokser igjen, forskere innrømmer de tok feil.

Hvis leger hadde gjort like mange feil som klimaforskere ville de ikke hatt pasienter. De ville vært døde.…/isbre-vokser-igjen-forskere-innrommer…/…

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Mini-Istiden har begynt. Nedbør, flom, tørke og kulde ødelegger store avlinger over hele verden. Prisene stiger og det vil bli stor matmangel. Nå er jeg ferdig med å diskutere tredve år gamle klimaløgner. Nå kommer sannheten. Det er bare å forberede seg.

Roads, towns and livelihoods are washed away in Midwest floods

Ongoing flooding across the Midwest has left thousands of homes damaged and vast swaths of farmland underwater. Residents and public officials alike are trying to cope with washed-out roads, lost livestock, ruined crops, and a lack of supplies. Meanwhile, weather experts are predicting a “potentially unprecedented” flood season. Judy Woodruff speaks to Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts for more…

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Nå kommer det enda flere som bekrefter at solen er driveren for vårt klima.

Satellite Evidence Affirms Solar Activity Drove ‘A Significant Percentage’ Of Recent Warming.

In a new paper, two astrophysicists shred the IPCC-preferred and model-based PMOD solar data set and affirm the ACRIM, which is rooted in observation and shows an increase in total solar irradiance (TSI) during the 1980-2000 period. They suggest a “significant percentage” of recent climate change has been solar-driven.…/satellite-evidence-affirms-sola…/…

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Begynner å bli lei alle som bruker Paris – Avtalen og ikke har peiling på hva de prater om.

Ja jeg begynner å bli lei politikere, forskere, media. presse og hele klimamenigheten som bruker den som argument for å spre klimaløgnene. Hva kommer det av at så mange er så kunnskapsløse. Egentlig ganske skremmende når de fleste av dem er med å styrer politikken. Og det går ut på å flå vanlige folk for avgifter vi ikke skulle hatt. Det som er enda verre er alle som tror på dem. Det er lov å tenke selv. Det skader ikke å prøve. Og til sist. CO2 er ikke farlig. Vi kunne hatt mere så jorden blir grønnere.

President Trump is right to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement! The deal isn’t worth the paper it is written on.…

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Fredag droppet EU klimamålene for 2050. Ny gladmelding i dag. Folk og politikere i Nederland har våknet. 2019 vil gå inn i historien som det året fornuften vant.

Zero to Hero: Brand New Climate Skeptic Party Now the Largest Group in the Dutch Senate.

A new populist, Eurosceptic party has achieved the remarkable feat of going from zero seats to becoming the largest single party in the Dutch Senate in a single election, as a young politician likened to a “Dutch Donald Trump” beat seasoned professionals in Wednesday’s poll.…/zero-to-hero-brand-new-dutc…/…

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To solflekker igjen og de blir snart borte. Glem global oppvarming. Snart vil Mini-Istiden gi full gass.

Solen sovner snart. Den lyser og varmer men uten solflekker blir det bare kaldere, mer nedbør,flom, tørke, uvær, jordskjelv og vulkanutbrudd, Klimaendringene har begynt men ikke som de fleste tror. Vi takler det meste men mat må vi ha. Det vil bli mye mindre avlinger i hele verden. Det har ingen myndigheter forberedt dere på. Bortsett fra Russland og Pakistan,



Ingen bildebeskrivelse er tilgjengelig.

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EU dropper klimamålene for 2050. Fornuften begynner å virke. Hva gjør du nå Erna.? Fortsetter du å fylle Norge med propeller så de får såkalt ren enegi?.

In a victory for energy reality, EU dumps 2050 climate alarmist targets and commitments

In a spectacular climate alarmist policy failure the EU dumped its “carbon neutrality by 2050” commitment and targets driven by the sacred but highly arbitrary and unsubstantiated 1.5 degree C global temperature “limit” and ended its Brussels summit with no climate commitments or targets for year 2050.…/in-a-victory-for-energy-rea…/…

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Det er bra noen tar til vettet før galskapen tar helt overhånd. Hun har blitt brukt lenge nok. I bakgrunnen sitter flere og teller milionene de fikk ut av dette.


The European People’s Party (EPP) and the liberals (ALDE) have blocked climate change activist Greta Thunberg from speaking in the European Parliament because “kids belong in schools”, according to the chief of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Udo Bullmann.…/…

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Jeg har tatt det opp i flere artikler men tror ikke mange tar det alvorlig. Mange land har allerede mistet store avlinger pga Mini-Istiden. I Usa er det katastrofe. Media sier ingenting. Prisene stiger. Det blir matmangel, Vi må forberede oss på å dyrke noe selv. Det kommer vi tilbake til.

Alert Experts Warn Of Historic Widespread Flooding! Food Prices Skyrocket As 1000s Farms Destroyed

We have never seen catastrophic flooding like this, and the NOAA is now telling us that there will be more major flooding for at least two more months. On Thursday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warned that “historic, widespread flooding” would “continue through May”. More than 90 percent of the upper Midwest and Great Plains is currently covered by an average of 10.7 inches of snow, and all of that snow is starting to melt. That means that we are going to transition from one of the worst winters in modern history to a flood season that has already taken an apocalyptic turn for farmers all across America. At this moment, millions of acres of farmland are already underwater. Thousands of farmers are not going to be able to plant crops this year, and thousands of other farmers that have been financially ruined by the floods will never return to farming again. This is already the worst agricultural disaster in modern American history, and it is going to get a whole lot worse.

Millions of bushels of wheat, corn and soybeans have been destroyed by flood waters, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of livestock have been lost, and all of us will soon be feeling a lot more pain at the grocery store. And this would be a complete and utter national nightmare even if the flooding was all over, but the NOAA just told us that we should expect more catastrophic flooding for the next two months. In fact, the NOAA is using the words “unprecedented flood season” to describe what is coming, and they are warning that “more than 200 million people” are at risk… Forecasters warned the floods would likely to continue through May, and could worsen in the coming weeks.

Of all the natural disasters that we have seen in recent years, this is the biggest, and U.S. food production is going to be dramatically affected because many farmers will not be able to grow crops at all in 2019. Many of America’s farmers will bravely keep going after this disaster, but for many others a financial breaking point has arrived. Farm bankruptcies had already surged to the highest level since the last recession prior to all of this flooding, and now this crisis will end up driving many of them away from the profession for good. In the end, it is going to be a while before we know the full extent of the damage to America’s farms and our food supply, but all of the experts agree that it will be unprecedented. Food prices are about to start soaring in a major way. There has not been such a massive blow to U.S. food production in my entire lifetime.

Food prices are already high, but the truth is that this is as low as they are going to get. Much less food will be produced in our heartland this year, and that will mean skyrocketing prices at our grocery stores.

The damage continues on downstream for people, livestock, homes and businesses.
Please keep them all in your prayers.

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Isen i Arktis skulle smelte i 2014. Det siste året har vi hørt at den smelter i rekordfart. Men nå øker den. Men med hjelp av forskere som lyver høres det ut som den vil forsvinne. Hvorfor tør dere ikke fortelle sannheten. Det blir kaldere. Jeg er sikker på at dere vet det.

Isdekket i Barentshavet øker – men den langsiktige trenden er dyster.

Kart viser isdekket i Arktis: – Hvis vi bare peiser på med «business as usual», så vil alt forsvinne.