I juni startar Sun-Dimming experiment som kommer att blockera solljuset
I juni månad kommer forskare att spraya aerosoler i stratosfären. Syftet med den atmosfäriska geoengineeringen är att blockera solljuset.
Effekterna av aerosoler kommer att efterlikna ett massivt vulkanutbrott i likhet med Pinatubo i ett försök att ta itu med den globala uppvärmningen.
På så sätt kommer forskare att först i liten skala upprepa Pinatubo vulkanutbrottet som har hänt i Filippinerna 1991. Under denna händelse sprutade vulkanen 20 miljoner ton svaveldioxid in i stratosfären, vilket skapade en dimma som svalnade planeten med 0,5°C i cirka 18 månader.
Forskarna hävdar att i en stor skala kommer denna effekt att ge planeten paus från den globala uppvärmningen.
Teamet kommer att använda en ballong upphängd 20 km över jorden i Kiruna (Sverige) för att spruta partiklar av kalciumkarbonat (krita) över ett kilometer långt område med avsikt att reflektera solens strålar bort från planeten.
It has been just over a week since Denver was hit by 2+ feet of global warming goodness, and with another wintry storm unfolding, the city is on the cusp of breaking a snowfall record that has stood for 130 years.
As of Tuesday, Denver International Airport was reporting 30.9 inches of snow so far this month, nearly three times the March average. The vast majority of this pow-pow fell over the course of just two days when the one of the biggest snowstorms ever recorded in the city dumped 27.1 inches.
A month after a historic winter storm brought Texas’s grid to its knees, leaving 5+ million without power, preliminary data recently released by the Texas Department of State Health Services reveals a grim picture — at least 57 Texans lost their lives.
The unlucky 57 perished as a direct result of the storm, according to data.
In Finnish capital region, snow piles built up this winter may not melt during summer.
THE CAPITAL REGION of Finland has received so much snow this winter that the metres-high piles hauled to designated snow dump areas may not melt during the course of the summer, reports Helsingin Sanomat.
In Uusimaa, for example, the amount of snow was 1.7 times higher than last year in January, according to Foreca.
Huge Sydney river breaks its banks causing wild flooding as towns are hammered with 300mm downpour.
The ferry terminal on the Parramatta River, in Sydney’s west, is completely flooded, with services to and from the area cancelled indefinitely until the once-in-100 year weather event is over.
Across other parts of NSW, the forecast rainfall is up to 300mm in the lower Blue Mountains over the next 24 hours and 400mm is predicted for the mid-north coast.
GENÈVE. Greta Thunberg var inte först. 1992 skakade den 12-åriga kanadensiskan Severn Suzuki om världens ledare under FN:s klimatkonferens i Rio de Janeiro.
Oslo MDG går i front med et forslag som vil forby bygging av nye bilbaserte kjøpesenter. Det skal heller ikke være lov å utvide allerede etablerte sentre. I tillegg foreslår partiet å la kommunene pålegge kjøpesentrene å ta betalt for parkeringen, selv om kjøpesentrene er på privat grunn.