The plan was to transplant-out hundreds of tender young crops this week, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash; but after seeing the latest GFS run I think I’m going to hold off — a Europe-wide freeze looks inbound, with record-March snowfall totals to match:
A violent WINTER storm is continuing to blast parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska and others with as much as 4 feet of mid-March SNOW — has reported the conditions as “Historic and Crippling.”
If you thought he cold last month was “unprecedented” and ” worse than we thought” you’d be right. Last month’s polar outbreaks in the United States caused record subzero temperatures, power outages for millions of homeowners in Texas when wind energy failed, and more than two dozen deaths.
It was also the coldest February in over three decades. Two different metrics of temperature measurement from NOAA agree in demonstrating that we really could have used some “global warming” but there was none to be had.
There is not one report or agency that you can cite that does not talk about heavy, society disrupting food inflation is here and increasing. I hope this paints a clear picture where food prices and availability are going.
The cold weather is forecast to reach as far deep south as far as Italy and the Mediterranean.
The cold will advance also across the Balkans, spreading into France and western Mediterranean as well by the end-next week. It will be cold across central and southern Europe until at least March 20-25th. The latest model guidance continues to show a prolonged temperature drop across parts of central and eastern Europe, also farther south towards the eastern Mediterranean.
Strong negative temperature anomalies are expected also over the western Mediterranean and France through March 18-20th. A Mediterranean cyclogenis is possible through March 18-19th, when a deep low could develop over the western Mediterranean bringing stormy weather across France, Spain, Italy and afterwards the Balkan Peninsula on March 20th.
Thanks to the Arctic blast, some snow showers are expected at low elevations (under 1.000 meters).
Planet of the Humans is a 2019 American environmental documentary film written, directed, and produced by Jeff Gibbs. It is backed and promoted by Michael Moore, who served as the executive producer. Moore released it on YouTube for free viewing on April 21, 2020, the eve of the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day.
The city is covered with ash! A Powerful eruption of Sangay volcano in Chimborazo, Ecuador.
Natural disaster 8 March 2021. The city is covered with ash! A Powerful eruption of Sangay volcano in Chimborazo, Ecuador Earth cataclysms have become more frequent in 2021. Where will it all lead? Will the Earth be cleansed and global catastrophes end? You will see the most current changes on the planet on this channel!
Nortura la i dag fram en ny prognose for kjøtt og egg. Det ser ut som det blir et underskudd på ca. 14 000 tonn, etter at importkvotene er trukket fra. For egg er det fortsatt en liten overproduksjon.
Elektrifisering er bærebjelken i den norske strategien for å nå klimamålene, og et av områdene som skal elektrifiseres er olje- og gassvirksomheten på norsk sokkel.
Det vil imidlertid kreve minst 15 TWh med strøm, og den må komme fra land hvis den skal kunne gi effekt i tide til å kutte utslippene innen 2030. Dessuten er ikke oljevirksomheten den eneste som trenger mer strøm.