Dette er bare begynnelsen.Om noen år er disse og mange andre matvarer borte fra butikkene.

Due to a lack of rainfall in Belgium, production of the bintje variety of potato used to make chips is 25-35% lower than normal. In many areas the harvest has been delayed because the potatoes are not ready.

“We will be eating smaller fries,” said Pierre Lebrun, coordinator of the Walloon potato sector – more like 6cm than the usual size of 8-9cm.

“We are looking at an average yield 25% lower than the norm of the last five years,” Lebrun added. “The soil is very dry, and that does not make it easy for farmers to work.”

And it’s not a uniquely Belgian problem: “The same is true in southern Britain, the Netherlands, France and western Germany. We are all in the same boat.”

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