Planet Wide Forest & Wild Fires,

A comprehensive look at the wildfires raging in California and Europe compared to the 300 year averages and cataloged events. Extreme heat compared since 1900 to see where the trend in both takes us through 2025 as the Earth dives deeper into the Grand Soar Minimum.

Dårlig vær for klimaskeptikerne

Temperatur, vær og vind har alltid variert, sier de som fortsatt insiterer på å ikke tro på klimaforskerne. Skeptikernes påstand er riktig. Klimaet har alltid variert dersom en ser det over en lang tidshorisont. Det vet klimaforskerne utmerket godt. Poenget med klimaendringen er at det neppe går 50?60 år før en sommer som vi har hatt i år kommer igjen. Det kan komme til å skje oftere. Og det bør bekymre oss.

Too hot? In 1858 a heatwave turned London into a stinking sewer

Suffering in the hot weather? Spare a thought then for the population of London back in 1858, a year of sky-high temperatures and the Great Stink.
That year, the London Standard reported temperatures of over 30C by the middle of June and the weather stayed hot for several weeks

How the Global Warming Scare Began

A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.


Until now only those who attended the exclusive event saw Dan offer to fight anyone in the room. Brand climate change complete bullshit.


Regjeringen har et direkte ansvar for at varmerekorder ikke skal bli det vanlige i Lisboa, Madrid og Oslo
Mens hetebølgen ser ut til å gi seg snart hos oss, så bikker temperaturen 45 grader flere steder i Europa. Å være landet blant mange naboer som ikke gjør det riktige, er flaut.

Mini ice Age: Abandon Your Home? Weather forecast 2021 to 2027

Why you may want to abandon your home in 2023… Depends on where you live! Geographical Weather forecast for the central six years of the coming mini ice age.

California Governor Jerry Brown,s Appalling Climate Misstatements

As the chessboard for control of the narrative of why our Earth has seen an uptick in extreme weather continues, we as citizens need to start holding our elected officials responsible for mis-truths they speak and the media outlets that give them a voice. When there are outrageously bogus statements that can be debunked with simple scientific fact check, we need to ask questions why they said such things and demand answers and retractions. This is one such instance, California governor Jerry Brown says since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago, we haven.t had this kind of heat condition, and it,s going to continue getting worse and that,s the way it is. This is false. I demand answers from the governor why he said such things. You should too.

Arctic Sea Ice Volume Skyrockets. Atlantic Surface Cold Surprises Experts.

Despite all the hysterical heat wave and drought reports being put out to the public by the media, the Northern Hemisphere as a whole is in fact not at all that much warmer than the mean since 2000.

Lars Bern. De med Ekstremvarmefobi burde høre på han.

Hva vet de om ozonlaget, metangass og CO2 ? Lars Bern vet det. Hvorfor sier de fleste politikere og forskere noe annet. For havet steg ikke flere meter. Arktis ble ikke isfritt i 2013. Det har vi hørt i tretti år. Ja det er varmt om dagen. i andre land er det uvær og flom. Det har kommet snø i Cape Town for første gang. Listen er lang. En forsker sier til Dagbladet at Norge kan få opptil 40 grader i nær fremtid. Nesten vanskelig å tro at de virkelig mener det.