California har oppskriften på energihavari. Kutt ut kull og atomkraftverk. Fyll landet med vindturbiner og solceller. Strømmen blir seks ganger så dyr. Mangel på strøm gjør millioner uten i lange perioder. Bedrifter flytter ut til stater som har nok strøm. Høres det Grønne Skiftet ikke flott ut.

California reveals the sad reality of “renewables”


As everyone outside of the green energy bubble has heard by now, California has given the world yet another great example of how foolish and shortsighted the rush to renewables has been in the golden state.

On top of the usual litany of California disasters: wildfires, earthquakes, mud slides, urban decay, massive homelessness, gang violence, periodic riots, and now plague (COVID-19) we can now add “rolling blackouts” to the attractions offered in beautiful California. And that doesn’t even count the chronically high concentration of bad thespians who routinely infect the state.

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