Hvorfor hører vi ikke om dette i presse og media. Vi hører bare om varmerekorder, snø og issmelting som ikke er sant. I fjor kom det så mye snø så planter og dyr har problemer med å overleve. Nå må det bli slutt på alt tøyset om global oppvarming.

Last year’s extreme snowfall ruined breeding season for Arctic plants, animals. Oct. 16 (UPI) — These days, the Arctic is usually in the news for extreme heat and melting ice. But last winter, the region was buried by extreme snowfall, and new research suggests the deep drifts thwarted the reproductive success of plants and animals in northeast Greenland.

Scientists at the Zackenberg Research Station have been studying plants and animals in Northeast Greenland National Park for the last 20 years, which allowed them to compare this year’s breeding season patterns — which followed record snows — to those that came before.


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