Presse, media og div andre fora overgår hverandre med klimaløgner om dagen. Kan ikke bruke tid på det men holder meg til fakta. Vi er på vei inn i en Mini-Istid / Grand Solar Minimum som vil vare i minst femti år. Glem CO2. Det er solen som styrer klima og temperatur.

Global Warming Wallops 20 Million Americans With Snow, Freezing Rain.

More than 20 million Americans are under some sort of winter weather watch, warning, or advisory from the Southwest through the Midwest as of Monday.

The Weather Channel has dubbed the storm “Winter Storm Billy” and said the storm will bring snow throughout parts of the Southern Rockies, the Central Plains, and Missouri.

From Arizona to Wisconsin, residents could see snowfall Monday, while those further south, like in Texas and Oklahoma, will see freezing rain and sleet, according to CNN.

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