Spis og kos dere. Uansett hva det er så påvirker det ikke klima. Verden trenger all mat den har når avlingene minsker pga uvær som Mini-Istiden fører med seg. Kanskje det er sunnere å ikke spise kjøtt, men andre skal ikke bry seg med hva jeg spiser. Kos dere med grøntfor og ikke bland klima inn i debatten. For der er kunnskapen deres lik null.

Why Giving Up Meat Won’t Have Much of an Effect on Climate Change.

The idea that giving up meat could help prevent climate change is gaining traction in American media. “Want to Save the Planet? Go Vegan Study Says,” a Newsweek headline last year. The study, published in Science, found that “moving from current diets to a diet that excludes animal products has transformative potential,” including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from food production by half.


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