Skandaløs beregning av global temperatur som ikke eksisterer.

I en nylig avlagt doktoravhandling har John McLean (oktober 2018), revidert datasett for temperaturmålinger fra 1850 og fram til i dag (Hadley Met Centre og Klimaforskningen ved Universitetet i East Anglia UK). Dataene er benyttet blant annet av FNs klimapanel til sine klimamodelleringer. Konklusjonen er skremmende om mangelfull kontroll og revisjon av tilgjengelige temperaturmålinger både landmålinger og i havet.

100 Percent RenewablesPoor Policy for Ratepayers

Two states and more than 80 cities and counties have now announced a goal of receiving 100 percent of their electricity fr

om renewable sources. Wind, solar, and biofuels are proposed to replace electricity from coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants. But evidence is mounting that 100 percent renewables is poor policy for US households and businesses.

Step by Step What to Expect as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum Intensifies

David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube and Inventor Lee Wheelbarger discuss societal changes as our Earth enters deeper into the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect everyone on our planet.

Record Floods Continue Across the Planet.

Through the last six month we have seen an uptick in floods intensity with the “six months worth of rain in a day” and “a months of rain in three hours” events and was forecast if the Grand Solar Minimum was intensifying we would see a “one year of rain in a day” event. Now we have two in two weeks in the Middle East. Qatar and Jordan. Plus record floods in Kenya, Spain, France with six+ feet of snow dropped during the event. There is an uptick happening.


AL GORE WAS WRONG (AGAIN): Greenhouse Gas Emissions Dropped Nearly 3% In Trumps First Year

But a funny thing happened on the way to the end of the world. Instead of America causing irreversible global warming, harmful greenhouses gases that some scientists say causes climate change actually decreased during Trumps first year in office, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported.

The Sun is Going to Sleep.

This Members-Only content from has been shared on YouTube because it describes and frames what is probably the single most significant heliophysics discovery of the year. The subject of a coming grand minimum, despite some of the experts’ concurrence and the data suggesting only one near-term outcome for the sun, has drawn controversy from many in the heliophysics community; I have fallen on the side of a coming grand minimum and am not shy about my praise for this mathematical model. I don’t like most models; they tend not to match observational data – this one does.

Tidlig kulde og snørekorder i mange land. Hva kommer det av at så mange tror på global oppvarming?

Her var det 21,4 kuldegrader i natt. Vinterkulden har teke eit hardt grep om Sør-Noreg i natt. Grotli i Oppland var den kaldaste staden i natt.. Hos værvarslinga på Vestlandet kan dei fortelje om ei svært så kald natt fleire stader i kongeriket. Utanom 21,4 minusgrader på Grotli, som ligg på austsida av Strynefjellet, registrerte også målestasjonen på Filefjell tjuetalet på gradestokken i natt. Her vart det målt minus 21,2 grader. Ikkje langt bak kom Bjorli i Oppland med minus 18 og Sognefjellshytta og Finse med begge 16,8 kalde grader.

Global Weather Anomalies (Early Autumn 2018)

As our world shifts climate patterns due to a weakening magnetosphere brought on by a 400-year cycle in our Suns output, weather extremes are becoming more obvious. These are but a few examples through the first part of Autumn 2018 along with long climate cycle data and how the economy of our planet is being affected in the interwoven events.

Den menneskeskapte løgnen om global oppvarming har 30 år,s jubileum.

Når ikke noe av det han har sagt skjedde må det være noe galt med de som støtter og tror på han. Når vi ser hvordan millioner sulter og trenger bedre helsetjenester blir galskapen helt ufattelig. Jorden kokte ikke men den blir kaldere. Kanskje pengestrømmen vil snu til de som trenger det.

48,000 Brits dead after worst winter in 42 years

After a brief mild spell, temperatures are set to dip again in April after the chilliest March in 21 years.

It is estimated that 20,275 Brits more than average died between December 1 and March

An additional 2,000 deaths more than average were expected due to cold conditions between March 23 and 31, this winters average death rates show.

Campaigners have called the deaths a national tragedy as cold weather victims fatalities could be prevented – especially in the elderly.